It was a Saturday night just a couple of days before Halloween and I immediately knew this was a huge mistake. As the car pulled into the parking lot, my stomach was turned inside out. I got out of the car and walked over with my friend RJ and his family. He had invited me to do this earlier in the day and I didn’t want to seem like a wimp so I said yes. I had always been scared of these places which is why I hadn’t gone in like 7 years but today that streak ended. This Halloween, I was going to go to a haunted house. We got up to the line which seemed like a mile long but that was just more time I didn’t have to go into this place yet. It was super dark out or at least it felt like it to me but that line just started getting shorter super quick, to quick for me. My legs felt like jelly as that house got closer and closer but yet I tried to look calm and fine on the outside. Anyways it was time we finally made it to the house it what felt like 10 seconds and as we entered in I could hear screams and just scary sounds all around. I am not a scary person KI get so scared because I feel like it’s going to happen to me in real life. Anyways we started walking as I tried to stay right in the middle of the group to be the safest. It wasn’t to bad at first as it was just kinda scary props with a little bit of light but once we hit the next area that’s when I really got scared. It was pitch black so I couldn’t see anything and that’s the stuff I hate. The sounds got louder and I pumped into a couple of people I think just trying to get through. I thought for sure I was lot and that really put a panic in me but I was actually in the front and saw a light up ahead. There was a guy dressed a clown standing on the side but he didn’t scare me but scared the people behind me in our group. Anyways the rest wasn’t bad as the guys weren’t very scary and once I saw the slide to the end I went for it and slide out so quickly and got out of there. I made it and realized it’s not that bad besides the dark part. I felt so relieved and just ready to go home. To this day I still haven’t gone to a haunted house since that moment about 5 years ago.
This blog is for Charles H'Doubler. I'm taking Creative Writing First Block First Semester.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Haunted Houses Aren't My Thing
It was a Saturday night just a couple of days before Halloween and I immediately knew this was a huge mistake. As the car pulled into the parking lot, my stomach was turned inside out. I got out of the car and walked over with my friend RJ and his family. He had invited me to do this earlier in the day and I didn’t want to seem like a wimp so I said yes. I had always been scared of these places which is why I hadn’t gone in like 7 years but today that streak ended. This Halloween, I was going to go to a haunted house. We got up to the line which seemed like a mile long but that was just more time I didn’t have to go into this place yet. It was super dark out or at least it felt like it to me but that line just started getting shorter super quick, to quick for me. My legs felt like jelly as that house got closer and closer but yet I tried to look calm and fine on the outside. Anyways it was time we finally made it to the house it what felt like 10 seconds and as we entered in I could hear screams and just scary sounds all around. I am not a scary person KI get so scared because I feel like it’s going to happen to me in real life. Anyways we started walking as I tried to stay right in the middle of the group to be the safest. It wasn’t to bad at first as it was just kinda scary props with a little bit of light but once we hit the next area that’s when I really got scared. It was pitch black so I couldn’t see anything and that’s the stuff I hate. The sounds got louder and I pumped into a couple of people I think just trying to get through. I thought for sure I was lot and that really put a panic in me but I was actually in the front and saw a light up ahead. There was a guy dressed a clown standing on the side but he didn’t scare me but scared the people behind me in our group. Anyways the rest wasn’t bad as the guys weren’t very scary and once I saw the slide to the end I went for it and slide out so quickly and got out of there. I made it and realized it’s not that bad besides the dark part. I felt so relieved and just ready to go home. To this day I still haven’t gone to a haunted house since that moment about 5 years ago.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Iconic Photo
There are many iconic things that have happened in the twenty first century. There was a lot of good pictures that showed this but the one I connected to the most was a dog being hugged by his owner as they found her in the rubble of his house that was torn down by a tornado. The way he’s hugging her and the reaction on his face just really connects to me because I feel like that’s how I would react if my dog got out safely after something like that. I would be so relieved because I love my dog and would be crushed if he was killed so I understand that guys reaction. This kind of connects to an event that happened to me when my old dog got hit by a car. I was very young and I don’t remember to much of it but it was a very scary moment for our family. We were very lucky she was alive although her leg was broken and had to be repaired. If I was older I would of been holding her like the guy is holding his dog in that picture. That is why this picture connects to me because I really do love dogs. It just touches my heart and makes me think if it was my dog I’d do the same thing.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Old Folk Story Time
It was a very, very nice day out in the town of Richmond Virginia. The sun was shining the sky was a wonderful blue, there was a small little breeze in the air which made for the perfect day. Young little Ronald Cooper was a boy who loved to play outside. Today was just the day he was looking for as it had been rainy the past couple days. He had to hurry thought because church was starting soon so he made sure he got up early. It was summer so there was no school and he wanted to play as much as he could. So today as Ronald was running out in the field he saw something in the distance he never had noticed before. Being a curious little rascal he ran over there just to come up to tree. Although this tree has apples on it yummy fresh looking apples. It was also very low to the ground right there for him to pick one so he did. He took a big bite out of it and enjoyed himself a nice ripe apple. When he was done he got up although everything around him had changed like he was in a new universe. There was no field, no cattle, no anything, there was nothing from the life he knew. He was on another planet in his mind. With no idea what to do, he ran around seeing all these weird creatures although they were friendly. He actually enjoyed being here in this random world. It was a nice society and the creatures were friendly so there was no reason to leave. The sky was a dark blue purple color and just a bunch of square and very tall buildings. After all this exploring he picked up a piece of the red grass all around but was very tired and next thing he knew he had fallen asleep. He woke up to his older brother telling him to wake up he was going to be late for church. Everything was normal like nothing had happened although in his hand was that little thin piece of red grass.
Monday, October 24, 2016
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This sort of looks like a face It's got eyes and a bird nose. Good enough for me considering there was like nothing else. #doorface |
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This was a big book series for me in middle school. It's a very weird but also pretty cool book and this is my favorite from the series. #middleschool |
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Seriously I can't use this door I mean sometimes there's good reasons but sometimes people do just because. #schoolproblems |
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This painting is so nice and I just really like it. It has so many colors and just a great overall feel to it. #iwishicouldpaintlikethat |
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This reminds me of Kickapoo because it shows how I got there and I remember seeing it on one of my first days. #thecomeup |
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This such a beauty of nature. The trees are so vibrant and add great color to the overall picture. #nature |
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This right here is a kid's dream. A dinosaur is a thing that kids love and they would love this. #kidlife |
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This here is a interesting angle If i do say so myself. This is actually quartz but still it looks weird. #weirdshapes |
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This is a very rounded shape as it is a globe. This shows everything on Earth. #scientist |
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To end it this is my good friend Kevin who always makes me laugh. Like in this picture. #Kevintoswaggy |
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Inspired By Hopper
It’s just been a good night out at the dinner with his buddies. Lots of fun, poker, good food and just a night to enjoy. There was lots of chatter between the men mainly about the poker game. Chips were flying and cards were being put down on the table and the sound of laughter filled the dinner. That all disappeared and seemed like the energy just got sucked into a drain when a women came in screaming about some guys going around town robbing people. Everyone was a little shocked but no one really cared and the mood started to become what it was. Angry at the lack of help, the man grabbed his hat got up and went over to the very paranoid women and said I’ll take a look at this. As he walked out of that dinner it had turned very cold outside but he was ok with the coat he had. He could hear screaming just a little bit down the street and so he walked over to what was happening. What he saw was something he didn’t expect to see but it was three creepy clowns running out of a house with what looked like jewelry and money. Clowns? He thought clowns should be a piece of cake this won’t be very hard. Although those clowns were very fast and pretty creepy but he charged up and grabbed one telling him to give the stuff back that they had stolen. The other clowns saw their friend in trouble so they rushed over to help. Although the man was to fast and to strong he had all three of the clowns on the ground. They knew they had no chance so they gave up and he was able to get all the stuff back. Bystanders who had watched him all cheered and called him the best detective ever. Although he thought I didn’t solve any mystery but I guess I’m dressed like one ah why not I’ll go with it.Window Poem
Straight ahead I see lots of trees
To the left I can see my neighbor's backyards
Although today there was no sun shining in the sky
But still I love the view that my window provides me everyday
Other small things I notice are the crisp leaves
That get blown off the trees and onto the ground
Last and not least way off in the distance stand a lonely field
With an old torn down farm and a couple of cows

Friday, October 14, 2016
The Artsy Painting
The picture that I had was honestly a pretty simple picture. It seemed like it was located at like a park because there was a couple trees with a nice view of what looked like a sunset. It honestly reminded me just of relaxation and place to be able to watch the sunset, or sunrise. I love beautiful scenery and that is exactly what the sun can do. The way the light can be along with the clouds makes a very, and you could say perfect, wonderful picture. One of my favorite things to do is to get a picture of the sunset or sunrise if it’s really nice. Also just being able to look at it and see all the beauty it brings with it is stunning. Also this picture reminded me of being a little kid just being able to run around freely and just play. This picture seems like an ideal place to do just that. It’s a nice open field of green with a couple trees it’s just a place to escape. Although now that I’ve grown older, there’s not much room to do that stuff anymore because we all have to grow up. It is very fun to look back at those memories and how crazy we could of been as a kid. Anyways I really did like that picture as it was a simple picture and honestly I live my life pretty simply. This was a good picture for me and I did really enjoy the scenery it brought with it as I am a person who does like color as it can indeed print nice pictures in my mind.
The sunset so high
Lots of natural beauty lies
A place to escape

Thursday, October 13, 2016
The Dose Paintings
Galatea of the Spheres
The spheres over the face show the true thought
Creating a wavy image like how the mind works
Colors so vibrant the blue creating the scene
The painting itself has life in it
The person inside trying to say something to us
But not a clue what it means
It’s like it’s trying to speak trying to say
Although those spheres keep the words locked up
Just trying to mess with our mind, get into our head
Then all of a sudden it's just a painting, a normal painting
The Persistence of Memory
Hanging by a cliff everything feels different
It’s hard to tell but it just doesn’t feel right
Random clocks all of a sudden all around
They begin to melt just melt
It’s not even hot it’s more of a cooler feeling
It makes no sense it’s like as the clocks are melting time is stopping
If the clocks melt to a liquid there will be no time
Although there is nothing to do but watch
Watch as time fades away tick tock tick tock
And just like that it's dark as the clocks now read no time

Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Profile: Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali was born on May 11, 1904 and died on January 23, 1989. He was born in Figueres Spain and that’s where he ended up dying. His Father, Salvador Dali Cusi was a middle class lawyer while his mom, Felipa Domenech Ferres was the lady of the house. He had a older brother also named salvador who died when he was nine months old as well as a younger sister named Anna Marie who was three years younger. He went to school at San Fernando School of Fine Arts, Madrid, Spain and was married to a women named Gala Dali.
During his lifetime Dali had to deal with both world wars, the Great Depression when he was in America, the Cold War, and a minor revolution. When he was 16 his mother had died which he later stated “was the toughest moment in my life” he really loved and adored him mom. Also when the World Wars were going on he had to try and escape to safety with his wife so they wouldn’t be in danger. Before he died he had to deal with a lot of problems the main one being Parkinson-like symptoms which gave him thoughts of suicide. Something many people probably don’t know about Dali was he was big in film and acted. His main form or work was painting but also did sculptures and writing. His work was very much inspired by those who were big in the Renaissance era. His work draws big comparisons to the Renaissance. Some of his famous pieces of work are Galatea of the Spheres 1952, The Persistence of Memory 1931, and The Temptation of St. Anthony 1946. Two of those pieces I’d like to write about are Galatea of the Spheres and The Persistence of Memory. Galates of the Spheres is a painting of a bunch of spheres which relates to his wife in his own way. The Persistence of Memory, probably his most famous piece, is another painting but really shows his thinking and creativity. It’s a lot about his theory of hardness and softness. 
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Post Comments
Comments on Classmates Posts
Alec: The 1st book sounds really weird but also kind of cool. I feel like I would enjoy reading it because I do like that kind of technology stuff. The 2nd book I would agree with you on it sounds boring. History books in general just seem to be pretty boring and I probably wouldn't read it. Good work on this post though you had everything you needed!
Your first two points are so true! I love dark rainy weather and I just seem to do things best, including reading, in that weather. Also fiction books are really good to read and they way you described it was spot on. I like more dragons or flying things than ghosts because I'm not to much of a scary guy. Great post though it was fun to read!
This is a great poem! You were very descriptive and did a good job describing the fall feel. I also love your last line talking about how the cycle resets I thought that was very clever.
This was very good and fun to read. Your word choice really kept me engaged and it brought good detail and suspense to your writings. My favorite one was the third one you did especially where you said "maybe someday I can sleep again".
The last line is really amazing. I also love when you mentioned her dress gave her inspiration. Also people really do struggle from speech anxiety so to mention how this person got over it is very nice.
Samantha: That really sucks but hey a trip to Florida is always a good time and memories to have for a lifetime. Also I don't like the egg on my biscuit but that's just me.
Those are really good memoirs better then mine haha. It's good to see your having good times in your life with things you love. Also that last picture looks really good with the sunset.
I was right with you on picking a career I had no idea of what I wanted to become. Also being a baker baking cupcakes sounds awesome! I hope you become very successful pursuing your dream career.
This is a very good piece and honestly it really does explain the point of life we all are in. We are about to be set free in less than a year and we will all spread our wings to different places.
You did a very good job putting those lines together to make a short story! It seems like it's not going to well in it but would still be a good book to read in my opinion.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
The Never Will Be Published Newspaper Article
Best Foot Forward
(This is not an actual newspaper article just one that I made up this isn’t how I really feel or think it’s just a funny made-up story)
Whenever this phrase is heard a lot of people refer to life how to get through it and all that stuff. Well that’s not what this is about this about shoes and how good they make you look. To just give a quick summary you want to put your best foot forward which means were awesome, cool looking shoes. You want people to notice you and think your cool so make sure to have your shoes out in front or forward. A good place to get some shoes is like shoe warehouse and men's footwear but I’m not to sure myself. All I know is the Nike and Adidas have some really good and nice shoes. They have all the sports shoes like soccer, basketball, running but they also have just casual tennis shoes or flip flops. It’s all about appearance in this world nothing else really matters. If you look good you feel good and people will like you. Straight facts. Also shoes that have really long laces are good because they make it easier to tie. Shoes with shorter laces are so annoying to tie it’s just frustrating. They make it way to hard to double knot and can become undone so easily. They also make the tightest knots in history. That’s just a little side note when it comes to shoes. Also color is important it has to be blue. No other color works except maybe black. If it’s not blue then you lose it’s an instant lose. No one will talk to you or like you so when you go get shoes make sure they are blue. The last piece of advice is to keep them new fresh and clean. They have to stay spotless and neat or it takes away the whole purpose of your shoes. If they don’t look good then you don’t look good. The color and brand of shoe are important but how clean and nice they look really takes the cake. This probably should of been something relating to life but it’s good to switch it up every now and then. Besides shoes are cool and really do look nice. So just remember put your best foot forward, basically your shoe.Wednesday, October 5, 2016
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