The picture that I had was honestly a pretty simple picture. It seemed like it was located at like a park because there was a couple trees with a nice view of what looked like a sunset. It honestly reminded me just of relaxation and place to be able to watch the sunset, or sunrise. I love beautiful scenery and that is exactly what the sun can do. The way the light can be along with the clouds makes a very, and you could say perfect, wonderful picture. One of my favorite things to do is to get a picture of the sunset or sunrise if it’s really nice. Also just being able to look at it and see all the beauty it brings with it is stunning. Also this picture reminded me of being a little kid just being able to run around freely and just play. This picture seems like an ideal place to do just that. It’s a nice open field of green with a couple trees it’s just a place to escape. Although now that I’ve grown older, there’s not much room to do that stuff anymore because we all have to grow up. It is very fun to look back at those memories and how crazy we could of been as a kid. Anyways I really did like that picture as it was a simple picture and honestly I live my life pretty simply. This was a good picture for me and I did really enjoy the scenery it brought with it as I am a person who does like color as it can indeed print nice pictures in my mind.
The sunset so high
Lots of natural beauty lies
A place to escape

I like what you said about trying to live your life "simply" and I can relate to the nostalgia over those days of childhood that were so free and easy.