After watching the movie Dan In Real Life, there were a couple of questions that I answered from the movie. Overall this was a good movie but sometimes didn’t really pay attention just because I’m not a movie person.
7. Can you know in three days that you love someone?
I feel like that’s a no just because when it comes to love, 3 days is a very short amount of time. Someone you love is someone you want to spend the rest of your time with so it’s a very important person and only knowing the person for 3 days doesn’t really give you a good view of this person. It’s better to spend more time with them and wait longer to see if you would actually enjoy being with this person and if you do love them. But yeah 3 days is much too quick as you could just rush into a relationship and you could realize you don’t really like this person which could lead to future problems.
11. Where was your best hiding spot as a kid playing Hide and Seek?
My best hiding spot had to behing this chair that used to be in my mom’s room that’s in the corner. There’s a ton of stuff lying on it and around it so it’s kind of like it’s not even there. I used to be small enough to fit through everything and when I got back there it was like my own fort and I never seemed to be found when I hid in that spot. It was so good that once my sister couldn’t even find me and she freaked out and called my mom saying I had run away. We weren’t playing hide and seek but I was just mad about something you know classic little kid stuff. Yeah my sister wasn’t to happy when I came out as well as my mom but that hiding spot is so good. I was covered head to toe and there was pretty much no chance of finding me although I had to stay quiet. Those remind me of the good old days as a young kid.
17. Describe your perfect day.
My perfect day would start with me waking up at around 8 but I feel super refreshed because I got lots of sleep. I would then proceed to take a shower and have a very big breakfast of pancakes, fruit, and some bacon. Then after that I would probably get some basketball in with Steph Curry at his own private court. We would just be able to talk and play basketball till about 10 or so. I would then proceed to Hawaii where I would get some fun beach time on a nice and warm day. The water would be the perfect temperature and it would just be a lot of fun and falling into the water. At about noon I would be all dressed up and would go to a very cool tropical museum with lots of colorful fish and wildlife. Then at about 1 I’d have a very good lunch probably seafood because I do really like shrimp. I’d probably eat with Josh Peck just because he’s super funny. After that at around 2 I would then proceed to play video games of any kind I want. I’d get some good video game time in and would probably play with my friends Matt, and Kevin. Then at around 4 I would probably play some tennis just with friends, no one famous. Tennis is my 2nd favorite sport behind basketball. Then at around 5 I’d probably just lay down in a hammock with a great view of Hawaii while listening to some of my music. I may doze off for a bit as it’s just a time to relax and enjoy nature. Then around 6:30 I’d eat dinner although I don’t know what of. Just something else that I really like is what I’d eat. Then at about 8 to wrap up the day would just be a nice party with my friends and there would be a cool fireworks at the end. That’s probably my perfect day.
22. “Life is full of disappointment” Do you think that’s true? How do you deal with disappointment?
I feel like life is full of disappointment. I mean it’s not all disappointment there’s also positive things as well but disappointment is for sure there. There are things in life that won’t go in our way and I mean that’s just how life is. Life is not easy and there will be good things but there will also be disappointments. Life is full of disappointment as well as happiness. I deal with disappointment by doing things I enjoy or talking to the people I trust the most which includes my sister, my friends, and my parents. Things will get better you just need to have the mindset and not stay down about something for too long.
30. Are you a good bowler?
I wouldn’t say I’m a “good” bowler but I’m for sure not really bad. I normally bowl around 100 so I mean that’s OK right. I will admit I’ve had a game or 2 where I’ve bowled like 30 or so but I’ve had a
game where I bowled like 130 so I’m pretty inconsistent. Bowling isn’t like a passion of mine but it is
for sure something that I do enjoy for fun. It’s just a fun sport to play with your friends and to have a
good laugh and be able to just relax.
I like bowling, too...but we rarely go so I'm pretty "inconsistent" also. I like what you said about having your family to talk you through disappointing or challenging times...I hope my son feels the same way about me.