1. I can’t really think off the top of my head some of the specific pieces I’ve done although some of my favorites were probably my One Activity, One Shoe, One Story post and my Children's Book. My One Activity post I really enjoyed because the activity that we did with it was super fun and I felt like it was one of my best pieces I wrote this year because it was something I enjoyed and was able to write about. I was also really proud with the title as I feel like it’s my best title out of any of my posts. Looking back on it now I do miss going outside and looking for those items as that was one of the best activities we did. The children's book was fun even though I had a lot of trouble with my images and my printer. It was also kind of difficult for me to come up with a children’s book as I’m not the most creative. I was proud though when I did finish because I was actually able to do it and I created a children’s book. The review the kid gave me who read it was super nice and gave me lots of great compliments! Except for my handwriting could be neater but I’ve known that for my whole life. Those are the 2 posts most memorable to me.
2. Some pieces that I have read this quarter that I really liked were everyones honestly I can’t really pick any favorites from my fellow classmates. Everyone here in this class are great writers and they had great pieces on their blogs! There’s just too many for me to pick to talk about as they all were just so awesome. When I went to leave comments on some of the blogs going through and actually reading them was such a joy just to see what everyone had to say about the same things that you said yourself in a different way. It’s amazing to see all the different thoughts and ideas people have and to be able to compare it to yourself. People really are all different but we each are unique in our own way.
3. Setting uo my blog was pretty nerve wracking for me as I didn’t really want to do it. Thinking of myself with a blog seemed like a no go ever but I did for this class and I’m honestly happy with it. I’ve been able to express thoughts on it while getting support and positivity from my classmates. I came up with the name for my blog just because it’s one of my favorite quotes but it’s also just a simple one. I felt like it’s a good way to describe me simple but thoughtful. I know my classmates read it but some random people might of read it which is just fine with me. I’m fine if people don’t know about my blog as I’m pretty shy but if they find it, I’m going to let them read my posts. I don’t think I will continue to use it but I will definitely keep it as a memory to have of this class when I get older and I look back at high school.
4. Journaling I think is worst then my blog just because you actually have to hand write the stuff you don’t type it which makes your hands hurt more. It’s about the same as blogging except for people didn’t really read what was in my journal which was a-ok with me. The things that are in my journal are a lot of the in class work that we did and just some random stuff every now and then. If I wanted anyone to read it probably just my friends and family yet like the blog, anyone who wants to read it I would let them. I will probably not use my journal anymore just like my blog but once again it is a valuable memory of this class.
5. Big Life Dream: For a while, I didn’t have many dreams growing up. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, or become. I’ve always had a love for sports especially basketball but I knew a playing career would be very tough. Then freshman year, I was watching a college basketball game and then it hit me. I could be one of those guys talking on the TV, a broadcaster! It felt like a great job to me because I would be around basketball and I have a knack for talking during the game about what’s going on in the game. Now as a senior, I’ve realized that being a successful broadcaster is pretty tough but I’m still going to try for it. I’ve already gained experience as Matt and I broadcasted the TOC this past year for Kickapoo basketball. This year we are going to try and broadcast more games and maybe get more viewers. Anyways my dream is to be a successful broadcaster, basketball would be the best, for a great company or school. ESPN is the top goal but a college or professional team would be a success to me as well. This is really the first thing I’m super excited for and I’d love to broadcast for my life. The TOC with Matt was so fun, and I really did enjoy it. I know I can improve on my in game talking but that feedback I got about my knowledge and the things I said during the games was so supporting! This is my big life dream and I will try and make it come true.
6. Haunted Houses Aren’t My Thing:
It was a Saturday night just a couple of days before Halloween and I immediately knew this was a huge mistake. As the car pulled into the parking lot, my stomach was turned inside out. I got out of the car and walked over with my friend RJ and his family. He had invited me to do this earlier in the day and I didn’t want to seem like a wimp so I said yes. I had always been scared of these places which is why I hadn’t gone in like 7 years but today that streak ended. This Halloween, I was going to go to a haunted house. We got up to the line which seemed like a mile long but that was just more time I didn’t have to go into this place yet. It was super dark out or at least it felt like it to me but that line just started getting shorter super quick, to quick for me. My legs felt like jelly as that house got closer and closer but yet I tried to look calm and fine on the outside. Anyways it was time we finally made it to the house it what felt like 10 seconds and as we entered in I could hear screams and just scary sounds all around. I am not a scary person. I get so scared because I feel like it’s going to happen to me in real life. Anyways we started walking as I tried to stay right in the middle of the group to be the safest. It wasn’t to bad at first as it was just kinda scary props with a little bit of light but once we hit the next area that’s when I really got scared. It was pitch black so I couldn’t see anything and that’s the stuff I hate. The sounds got louder and I pumped into a couple of people I think just trying to get through. I thought for sure I was lot and that really put a panic in me but I was actually in the front and saw a light up ahead. There was a guy dressed a clown standing on the side but he didn’t scare me but scared the people behind me in our group. Anyways the rest wasn’t bad as the guys weren’t very scary and once I saw the slide to the end I went for it and slide out so quickly and got out of there. I made it and realized it’s not that bad besides the dark part. I felt so relieved and just ready to go home. To this day I still haven’t gone to a haunted house since that moment about 5 years ago.
7. Some creative writing that I may do when I get older could be related to sports as I do want to become a sports broadcaster. What I got out of writing creatively is it really can show who you are and it’s a good way to show who you are. There are things that you may not even know about yourself when writing some of these pieces. It’s also super fun and it helped spark my creative thoughts that I didn’t know I had. This differs very much from normal writing as first off it’s not super strict and you can be a lot more free and loose. Also you can write about anything but in other writing especially in school, it’s about a certain topic, or you have to write about this. Creative writing is honestly so fun and my favorite type of writing.
8. My words of encouragement if I had any were just to keep going with life. We’ve all been through alot in high school and it’s been hard but we’ve made it here so if we keep going how we are we can make it through college and then life. The attitude that I’ve been going with lately is I can. Remember think that you can because you can do anything.
9. Honestly that is all I have to say. I have my reflection of this class in my journal so I won’t talk about that but I just want to say thank you to everyone in this class and you Mrs. Fraser for making this such a fun class. I went into this class with such mixed emotions and I thought I wasn’t going to enjoy but I realized that I actually really did enjoy it. I’m going to miss it and I wish you all the best of luck!

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